Carmen Saez Art
The dance of the forest
The dance of the forest
Title: The forest dance
Technique: Oil
Support: Canvas
Measurements: 140 x 85 cm. Date of completion: October 2024
Price: €2975
“The Dance of the Forest” is the pinnacle of these works born from the experience of Al-Andalus dance brought by its dancers to the Netherlands.
The composition features the group of dancers who participated in Cristiane Azem's show “The Dove's Necklace” in Holland.
I based his movements purely on acting in the theater. I wanted to immortalize the soft movements, with long arms and raised necks.
I also focused on the costumes: transparencies, gauze and lace.
The dancers are also situated in a Dutch forest. In order to really soak up the atmosphere, I painted the forest outdoors in the north of Holland.
I wanted to capture the forest in spring. In the scene I captured the rhododendron (or azalea) in bloom. A shrub native to northern Europe and also one of the 7 most poisonous plants in the world. This flower appears in May, since the cherry tree that is also in the scene has already lost its blossom.
You can see a beech forest in the background.
The scene is a celebration of spring. After a dark winter, the first flowers appear, along with light and the possibility of enjoying nature.
I also wanted to portray the experience of a sisterhood of women who come together to dance. This is exactly what I experienced during the visit of these dancers for the performance of “The Dove Necklace.”